No TWD here…………

I had the good intentions of making the rice pudding this week but it just wasn’t in the cards. I went to Tj’s and they were all out of the arborio rice that the recipe calls for. Then I went to another store and it was $9 for a small container!! I’m sorry but I […]

Kugelhopf sliced in half with dried cranberries on small white plate with gold stars and swirls
Bread, Cranberries, TWD

TWD: Kugelhopf

This is my second TWD post and when I first saw this recipe I was a little hesitant to make it. I’ve never really worked with yeast before and was afraid that it wouldn’t rise. So I was pretty sure that I was going to skip this week but then I was thinking that one […]

Rugelach with raspberry jam and walnuts bite taken out with small white plate with gold stars and swirls in background
Cookies, Jam, Nuts, TWD

TWD: Rugelach

This is my very first Tuesdays with Dorie post. I’ve been going back and fourth about whether I wanted to join or not. I got the book and was still debating about it. But then when I found out that after the end of October they wouldn’t be accepting new members, I decided that it […]