I remember having something similar to this as a child except that we used chex and only chex to make this. When I saw this recipe
here I knew I had to make it. It’s super simple to make and really good. I only made a few slight changes. B thought that it was only ok. I thought that the chocolate mixture was so good. I licked the whisk and I seriously could have eaten that whole bowl of chocolaty peanut buttery goodness. SO good! I’m glad I decided to add peanut butter to the chocolate. Did I mention how good it was?? This stuff would be good on toast too, or maybe on top of ice cream, or maybe made into frosting or probably good in or on anything.

Monkey Mix
1 14 oz box of peanut butter Captain Crunch
1 cup almonds
1 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup unsalted sunflower seeds
1 generous cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup (1/2 a stick) butter
1/4 cup peanut butter
1 cup powdered sugar
Mix together the cereal, almonds, dried cranberries and sunflower seeds.

Melt the butter and chocolate chips in the microwave. (Mine only took one minute. I didn’t stir it while it was cooking but you can if you want to if you are worried about it.) Stir to combine completely. Then add the peanut butter and incorporate completely. The heat from the chocolate mixture will be enough to melt the peanut butter.
This is like liquid gold! SO GOOD!

Pour the chocolate peanut butter mixture over the cereal mixture and mix until all the cereal is completely coated. In a gallon size zip lock bag pour about 1/3 of the powered sugar and scoop in about 1/3 of the chocolate covered cereal mixture. Seal the bag and shake it until the cereal is evenly coated with the sugar. Repeat this until all your cereal is coated. It may require more than 1 cup of powered sugar to coat all the cereal.
Pour the chocolate over the cereal

Don’t be shy. Pour it all

Start mixing

Finally done mixing. Please excuse the messy bowl.

OMG… This looks so dang good. I could snack on a big bowl of this.